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Click on the following link to open the Saveris PSC API documentation.

The PSC API provides RESTful calls for users to automatically calculate the product simulation coefficient (c) using simplified inputs. This API aims to significantly reduce or eliminate the manual effort needed to determine this coefficient, which is currently a labor-intensive process.

The API is built using the OpenAPI 3.0.0 specification and follows the REST architectural style. It uses JSON for data exchange and supports standard HTTP response codes for successful and unsuccessful requests.

Base URL

The URL for this API is:

The REGION and ENV in the URL should be replaced with the specific region and environment you are using. There are two environments available: "i" for integration and testing, and "p" for production. Furthermore we have three regions: "eu" for europe, "am" for america and "ap" for the apac region.


The PSC API uses Bearer token authentication. You should acquire a token and use it to authenticate your requests.

To get a token you need to authenticate using a /token endpoint of the PSC API. Here you will just need to send your username and password in the body and you will receive the idToken.

API Endpoints

The API has one endpoint - PSC (product simulation coefficient) endpoint.

PSC Endpoint

The input to the API includes the mass of the product in kilograms and the environment in which the product is located. For example, an input URL might look like this: The output is a coefficient value that is used to calculate the temperature of the product. An example output JSON would be: {"coefficient": 42}.

CORS support

The API supports CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-domain communication. To enable CORS, the server returns the appropriate headers in the response.