
open class DeviceInfo


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protected constructor(cPtr: Long, cMemoryOwn: Boolean)
constructor(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger, u64BoardSerial: BigInteger, u32BoardType: Long, u16BoardIndex: Int, strProductionDate: String)
constructor(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger, u64BoardSerial: BigInteger, u32BoardType: Long, u16BoardIndex: Int)
constructor(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger, u64BoardSerial: BigInteger, u32BoardType: Long)
constructor(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger, u64BoardSerial: BigInteger)
constructor(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger)


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protected open var swigCMemOwn: Boolean


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open fun delete()
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protected open fun finalize()
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open fun getBoardIndex(): Int
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open fun getBoardType(): Long
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protected open fun getCPtr(obj: DeviceInfo): Long
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open fun serialize(endian: SWIGTYPE_p_testo__exp__Endian, pBuffer: String): Long
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open fun setBoardIndex(u16BoardIndex: Int)
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open fun setBoardSerial(u64BoardSerial: BigInteger)
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open fun setBoardType(u32BoardType: Long)
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open fun setDeviceSerial(u64DeviceSerial: BigInteger)
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open fun setProductionDate(strProductionDate: String)
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open fun sizeofType(): Long
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protected open fun swigRelease(obj: DeviceInfo): Long
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open fun toString(): String