Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This API provides an interface to retrieve data.
Returns ID Token after successful authentication with Cognito
username | string |
password | string |
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "IdToken": "string"
Request data preparation and start a query for the alarm data for a time range.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
request_uuid required | string <uuid> Example: 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 UUID of the request |
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "alarm_reason": "string",
- "alarm_status": "Alarm",
- "last_status_change_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alarm_condition_type": "string",
- "alarm_severity": "Warning",
- "alarm_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alarm_time_local": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "alarm_value": 0,
- "physical_unit": "string",
- "physical_value": "string",
- "physical_value_extension": "string",
- "alarm_source_uuid": "ea6228e7-be3e-4b87-b2c6-a005a79ca471",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "customer_site_uuid": "65fe43de-2263-43ec-9e9f-e1bc9c96f4cf",
- "alarm_type": "measurement_alarm",
- "source_alarm_event_uuid": "8a93320b-27fa-411b-9152-2d4d7186b79d",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Request data preparation and start a query for the measurement data for a time range.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
request_uuid required | string <uuid> Example: 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 UUID of the request |
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "sensor_uuid": "b56af6f4-feef-44cc-9430-7642a36a75a1",
- "device_uuid": "03910230-a84e-4578-8c2f-784cd16cdcc3",
- "channel_id": 0,
- "device_serial_no": "string",
- "sensor_serial_no": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "customer_site_uuid": "65fe43de-2263-43ec-9e9f-e1bc9c96f4cf",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "timestamp_local": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "measurement_value": 0,
- "physical_property_name": "string",
- "physical_unit": "string",
- "physical_extension": "string",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Request data preparation and start a query for the executed tasks data for a time range.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
request_uuid required | string <uuid> Example: 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6 UUID of the request |
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "quality_manual_uuid": "f5a5b82c-13d8-442b-9748-1bc5f0d8a7a5",
- "quality_manual_version_title": "string",
- "quality_manual_version_uuid": "19e513e1-3619-49fe-a292-d585719e9d09",
- "process_control_title": "string",
- "process_control_uuid": "442f4617-c875-41c5-b20b-7e9773e3a730",
- "process_ctrl_category_title": "string",
- "process_ctrl_category_uuid": "c15191a9-bf19-4735-a622-62f9e0ae1551",
- "task_title": "string",
- "task_uuid": "be3279ab-8e66-4f2e-8e14-d1ca343b885f",
- "task_execution_uuid": "b28104cc-6f89-4668-8bf6-c6978fd6e585",
- "task_type": "string",
- "has_corrective_action": true,
- "task_status": "string",
- "shift_uuid": "abdafd58-51c6-4e00-b4e0-b0d3f66de16f",
- "shift_begin": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "shift_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "task_timestamp_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "task_timestamp_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "site_name": "string",
- "site_number": "string",
- "app_version": "string",
- "serial_no_tablet": "string",
- "process_step_instructions": "string",
- "process_step_corrective_action": "string",
- "marked_as_deleted": true,
- "username": "string",
- "user_uuid": "7c4d2d7d-8620-4fb3-967a-4a621082cf1f",
- "process_step_type": "string",
- "process_step_uuid": "c571cc4d-79eb-4814-8e65-1bc8699dd658",
- "sequence_no": 0,
- "timestamp": "string",
- "alarm_log_uuid": "4d27b2bb-b359-4168-b601-480161ce428d",
- "content": "string",
- "parameters": "string",
- "context": "string",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns the list of all probes. Important Note: This endpoint should be used whenever responses smaller than 6 MB are expected. Otherwise, please consider using async endpoint, i.e. /v1/devices/properties-async
{- "probes": [
- {
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "device_uuid": "string",
- "device_serial_no": "string",
- "device_model_code": "string",
- "device_firmware_version": "string",
- "device_display_name": "string",
- "communication_log_time": "string",
- "is_ethernetprobe": "string",
- "is_powersuppliable": "string",
- "is_wirelessprobe": "string",
- "sensors": [
- {
- "sensor_uuid": "string",
- "sensor_serial_no": "string",
- "sensor_model_code": "string",
- "sensor_firmware_version": "string",
- "sensor_display_name": "string",
- "sensor_is_active": "string",
- "equipment_uuid": "string",
- "channels": [
- {
- "channel_id": "string",
- "channel_no": "string",
- "channel_measurement_log_time": "string",
- "physical_unit": "string",
- "physical_property_name": "string",
- "physical_extension": "string",
- "physical_unit_exponent": "string",
- "is_external": "string",
- "is_calibration_possible": "string"
Request data preparation and start a query for device metadata.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "customer_site_uuid": "65fe43de-2263-43ec-9e9f-e1bc9c96f4cf",
- "device_uuid": "03910230-a84e-4578-8c2f-784cd16cdcc3",
- "device_serial_no": "string",
- "device_model_code": "string",
- "device_firmware_version": "string",
- "device_display_name": "string",
- "communication_log_time": 0,
- "is_ethernetprobe": true,
- "is_powersupplieable": true,
- "is_wirelessprobe": true,
- "sensor_uuid": "b56af6f4-feef-44cc-9430-7642a36a75a1",
- "sensor_serial_no": "string",
- "sensor_model_code": "string",
- "sensor_firmware_version": "string",
- "sensor_display_name": "string",
- "sensor_is_active": true,
- "channel_id": 0,
- "channel_no": 0,
- "channel_measurement_log_time": 0,
- "physical_unit": "string",
- "physical_property_name": "string",
- "physical_extension": "string",
- "physical_unit_exponent": 0,
- "is_external": true,
- "is_calibration_possible": true,
- "attenuation": 0,
- "device_created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "device_equipment_uuid": "a2dea5c7-d983-4ec5-b6fd-0ca55be51398",
- "sensor_equipment_uuid": "77e55dc5-914f-44fd-ab20-8dccb305cdf4",
- "sensor_equipment_parts_uuid": "20b5b762-0b57-4692-bdd7-236da43f0854",
- "channel_equipment_parts_uuid": "15d243f8-e808-4182-b180-f6415ccdf1d7",
- "limit_values_uuid": "939832b9-8c1f-4f5a-b56f-46dc184e51bc"
Returns the list of devices' status
{- "devices_status": [
- {
- "device_uuid": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "connection_type": "CT_UNKNOWN",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "fw_version": "string",
- "is_powersupply_on": true,
- "last_communication": "string",
- "next_communication": "string",
- "last_measurement_time": "string",
- "processed_at": "string"
], - "sensors_status": [
- {
- "sensor_uuid": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "fw_version": "string",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "processed_at": "string"
{- "tenants": [
- {
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "parent_uuid": "string",
- "is_operator": true,
- "organisation_name": "string",
- "organisation_id": "string",
- "organisation_email": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "main_timezone": "string",
- "main_language": "string",
- "register_time": "string"
{- "equipments": [
- {
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "parent_uuid": "string",
- "is_operator": true,
- "organisation_name": "string",
- "organisation_id": "string",
- "organisation_email": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "main_timezone": "string",
- "main_language": "string",
- "register_time": "string"
Returns the list of all equipments
{- "equipments": [
- {
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_title": "string",
- "area_uuid": "string",
- "area_title": "string",
- "equipment_type_title": "string",
- "equipment_type_uuid": "string",
- "processed_at": "string",
- "last_modified_at": "string",
- "is_active": "string",
- "equipment_parts": [
- {
- "equipment_parts_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_parts_title": "string",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_title": "string",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_uuid": "string",
- "alarm_configurations": [
- {
- "limit_values_uuid": "string",
- "door_contact_delay_in_ms": 0,
- "alarm_delay": 0,
- "display_unit": "string",
- "measuring_rate": 0,
- "lower_violation": 0,
- "lower_warning": 0,
- "upper_violation": 0,
- "upper_warning": 0,
- "valid_from_time": 0,
- "valid_until_time": 0
Returns the list of all equipments
{- "equipments": [
- {
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_title": "string",
- "area_uuid": "string",
- "area_title": "string",
- "equipment_type_title": "string",
- "equipment_type_uuid": "string",
- "processed_at": "string",
- "last_modified_at": "string",
- "is_active": "string",
- "equipment_parts": [
- {
- "equipment_parts_uuid": "string",
- "equipment_parts_title": "string",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_title": "string",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_uuid": "string",
- "alarm_configurations": [
- {
- "limit_values_uuid": "string",
- "door_contact_delay_in_ms": 0,
- "alarm_delay": 0,
- "display_unit": "string",
- "measuring_rate": 0,
- "lower_violation": 0,
- "lower_warning": 0,
- "upper_violation": 0,
- "upper_warning": 0,
- "valid_from_time": 0,
- "valid_until_time": 0
Request data preparation and start a query for equipment.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "equipment_parts_uuid": "bc04a909-72d9-4c31-84f0-2208ed748861",
- "equipment_parts_title": "string",
- "equipment_uuid": "77d25efb-a305-442a-9bd1-5fffce3faebf",
- "equipment_title": "string",
- "equipment_type_uuid": "c9cad251-968d-4bf7-8fe5-da7219542eef",
- "equipment_type_title": "string",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_uuid:": "ddeb932c-eaa1-4256-ad3b-2ae9ae595799",
- "equipment_parts_purpose_title": "string",
- "area_uuid:": "dcde0b7c-3bf5-48f7-8bdc-1c7ffeec6c13",
- "area_title:": "string",
- "processed_at:": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_modified_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "is_active": true,
- "limit_values_uuid:": "e4b019a7-e228-4886-8e86-086214d2e16f",
- "door_contact_delay_in_ms:": 0,
- "alarm_delay:": 0,
- "display_unit: ": "string",
- "lower_violation": 0,
- "lower_warning": 0,
- "upper_violation": 0,
- "upper_warning": 0,
- "measuring_rate": 0,
- "valid_from_time": 0,
- "valid_until_time": 0
Request data preparation and start a query for tenants.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "parent_uuid": "77932ac3-028b-48fa-aaa9-4d11b1d1236a",
- "is_operator": true,
- "organisation_name": "string",
- "organisation_id": "string",
- "organisation_email": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "main_timezone": "string",
- "main_language": "string",
- "register_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns the list of all devices status
{- "equipments": [
- {
- "device_uuid": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "connection_type": "CT_UNKNOWN",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "fw_version": "string",
- "is_powersupply_on": true,
- "last_communication": "string",
- "next_communication": "string",
- "last_measurement_time": "string",
- "processed_at": "string"
Request data preparation and start a query for devices status.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "device_uuid": "03910230-a84e-4578-8c2f-784cd16cdcc3",
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "customer_site": "64a8e2c9-6219-447f-b0b7-5f6648b289af",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "connection_type": "CT_UNKNOWN",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "fw_version": "string",
- "is_powersupply_on": true,
- "last_communication": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_communication": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_measurement_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Returns the list of all sensors status
{- "equipments": [
- {
- "sensor_uuid": "string",
- "tenant_uuid": "string",
- "fw_version": "string",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "processed_at": "string"
Request data preparation and start a query for sensors status.
date_time_from | string <date-time> Timestamp to define start point for data |
date_time_until | string <date-time> Timestamp to define end point for data |
object This property allows to define additional parameters, such as the file format of the result. |
{- "date_time_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "date_time_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "options": {
- "result_file_format": "CSV"
{- "status": "string",
- "request_uuid": "a699086b-c336-457e-9191-0c825d6efbc8"
Returns the status of the request with given uuid
{- "status": "Completed",
- "data_urls": [
- "string"
], - "metadata_url": "string",
- "x-file-content": {
- "sensor_uuid": "b56af6f4-feef-44cc-9430-7642a36a75a1",
- "tenant_uuid": "3467989a-e428-43d0-b560-aedbbec33ae0",
- "customer_site": "64a8e2c9-6219-447f-b0b7-5f6648b289af",
- "fw_version": "string",
- "serial_no": "string",
- "model_code": "string",
- "battery_level_percent": 100,
- "radio_level_percent": 100,
- "next_communication": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_communication": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"